Keeping Health Care Accessible & Affordable
We’re committed to ensuring Colorado is the best place for patients to receive high-quality care and for providers to deliver it.
About Us
Who we are?
We work to maintain a stable medical liability environment that protects patients and providers by containing costs and ensuring access to care. By taking a balanced approach that considers the interests of everyone involved in the medical care delivery system, we advocate for the overall well-being of Coloradans.

Our Focus
Colorado’s medical liability laws protect medical professionals and patients by keeping health care in our state affordable and accessible.
Reasonable medical liability caps protect access to health care for Coloradans, particularly those in rural and underserved areas.
Patients ultimately pay the price for large awards through higher insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses, as well as reduced access to specialty care.
64% of physicians say Colorado’s balanced legal environment is one of the reasons they practice in Colorado.
The Coalition
Our coalition includes organizations representing nurses, health facilities, dentists, physicians, women’s health advocates and other health care professionals.
Take Action
You can make a difference by speaking up for access to care and affordable health care costs in Colorado.